2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'st thomas usvi'|St Thomas USVI…I’ll be back, next time to stay

About 'st thomas usvi'|St Thomas USVI…I’ll be back, next time to stay

I               have               said               it               before               and               I               am               sure               I               will               find               myself               continually               raving               about               the               Caribbean               in               the               future.

Its               abundance               of               picturesque,               lush,               tropical               landscapes,               cultural               and               historical               impact               and               significance,               breathtaking               turquoise               waters,               ethnic               diversity               portrayed               in               its               unique               culinary               presentations               from               one               island               to               the               next               superseded               possibly               by               the               plethora               of               attractions               and               activities               available               to               suit               any               one's               desires,               visions               and               dreams.

The               Island               of               St.

John's,               US               VI               is               no               exception!

Representing               the               smallest               of               the               three               U.S.

Territories               in               the               United               States               Virgin               Islands,               St               John's               hails               as               an               unspoiled               and               non               commercialized               mecca               as               far               as               vacation               destinations               are               concerned.

At               nine               miles               long               and               three               miles               wide               amounting               to               only               28               square               miles,               roughly               two               thirds               of               St.

John's               is               designated               as               a               National               Park,               therefore               much               of               its               land               and               neighboring               waters               will               remain               protected               allowing               it               to               stay               unchanged,               unhurried               and               unspoiled               as               nature               intended.
               The               history               of               St.

John's               began               and               ended               much               like               it               did               for               the               other               two               islands               making               up               the               US               VI.

Arawak               people               were               the               first               inhabitants               followed               by               the               Carib               Indians               who               overthrew               the               Arawak's.

In               1493,               during               Christopher               Columbus'               second               journey               to               the               "New               World",               he               was               credited               as               the               first               European               to               visit               St.

Thomas,               St.

Croix               and               St.


Eventually               these               islands               would               be               settled               by               the               Danish               West               India               and               Guinea               Company,               the               first               Europeans               back               in               1718.

The               Danish               people               relied               heavily               on               the               slave               trade,               constantly               dipping               into               the               slave               pool               out               of               Africa.

The               major               reason               for               slave               labor               was               the               cultivation               of               and               reliance               on               sugar               cane.

Sugar               cane               plantations               were               splattered               all               over               the               US               VI               due               to               its               arid               and               fertile               terrain               and               income               associated               with               this               cash               crop.

With               its               reliance               on               slavery               from               Africa               came               numerous               revolts               by               these               same               African               slaves.

In               fact,               St.

John's               represented               one               of               the               largest               slave               rebellions               of               the               time               back               in               1733,               when               enslaved               Akwamu               rebels               from               the               Gold               Coast               took               over               the               island               of               St.

John's               for               six               months.

With               help               from               French               forces,               the               Danish               were               able               to               reconquer               the               island               from               these               slave               rebels.

Slavery               became               a               thing               of               the               past               on               July               3,               1848.
               Sugar               cane               remained               a               prized               possession               and               efforts               to               produce               sugar,               brown               sugar               and               rum               continued               as               long               as               there               was               slavery.

Once               the               slavery               trade               fell               apart               in               the               19               century               with               the               slaves               granted               their               freedom,               efforts               turned               from               the               cane               production               to               tourism,               tourism               related               industries,               real               estate               and               hotels.

Today,               these               same               values               hold               true               as               residents               pride               themselves               on               dedicating               themselves               to               providing               vacationers               with               a               memorable               experience.

At               the               same               time,               however,               residents               have               not               forgotten               their               cultural               and               historical               roots,               illustrated               in               alot               of               St.

John's               cuisine,               dress,               festivals               and               historical               sites               located               throughout               the               island.

John's               has               been               called               the               "Beverly               Hills               of               the               Caribbean"               due               to               its               posh               and               unscaled               real               estate               sector               and               high               level               of               affluent               tourists.

Whereas               as               St.

Crux               and               St.

Thomas               have               become               somewhat               overdeveloped,               St.

John's               remains               a               beautiful               secluded               hideaway               featuring,               culinary               diversity               ,               natural               beauty,               pristine               beaches,               coves               and               bays               and               lush               tropical               landscapes               dotted               with               opulent               abodes               of               the               wealthy               and               elite.


John's               is               also               known               as               having               one               of               the               top               ten               beaches               in               the               world               and               being               the               wealthiest               of               the               US               VI.
               Cruz               Bay               is               the               largest               port               on               St.

John's               located               on               the               western               coast               of               the               island.

Coral               Bay,               located               on               the               Eastern               side               of               the               island               is               the               next               largest               port.

Most               of               the               standard               amenities               are               found               at               these               ports               with               20               minute               ferry               rides               to               and               from               Charlotte               Amalie               on               the               island               of               St.


Because               St.

John's               doesn't               have               an               airport,               the               only               way               to               experience               the               island               is               by               ferry               boat               or               other               form               of               water               transportation.

Ferry               boats               also               provide               transportation               to               Tortola,               Virgin               Gorda               and               Anegada.
               Many               of               the               most               popular               and               beautiful               beaches               are               encountered               on               St.

John's               northern               shore.

Trunk               Bay               is               the               perennial               hands               down,               one               of               the               ten               best               beaches               in               the               world!

Caneel               and               Cinnamon               Bay               represent               other               great               destinations               for               beach               goers               and               divers               alike.

Beautiful               dive               sites               teeming               with               a               diverse               abundance               of               coral               reefs               and               a               plethora               of               marine               fish               that               rivals               and               painting               applied               to               canvas.

the               south               shore               of               the               island               provides               some               nice               beaches               as               well               though               the               terrain               in               getting               their               provides               a               challenge               and               is               only               accessible               by               rough               dirt               roads.
               Numerous               water               sports               are               available,               even               if               diving               or               sun               tanning               isn't               your               cup               of               tea.

For               the               land               lovers,               shopping               in               the               largest               port               areas               is               a               nice               alternative.

Resort               life,               fine               dinning,               experiencing               the               historical               sites               on               the               island               or               hiking               and               exploring               the               wild               life               and               beauty               on               the               many               trails               throughout               the               natural               park               area               is               amazing.

John's               definitely               captivates               the               senses               and               offers               an               all               inclusive               vacation               experience               to               last               a               lifetime.

The               fact               that               the               island               remains               mainly               a               remote               natural               park               system               protected               by               governing               bodies               will               ensure               that               the               island               remains               as               lush               and               beautiful               today               as               it               did               years               ago.

Once               you               get               there,               the               only               thing               you               have               to               do               is               enjoy               and               decide               what               exciting               thing               you               will               do               while               experiencing               all               that               St.

John's               has               to               offer.

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