2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'map of st thomas'|An Excellent Précis about the Upcoming Election in St. Thomas

About 'map of st thomas'|An Excellent Précis about the Upcoming Election in St. Thomas

Every               time               a               National               Football               record               falls,               or               an               event               transpires               that               affects               the               league               as               a               whole,               a               statistician               dutifully               documents               it.

The               new               record,               or               event,               joins               a               long               list               of               other               memorable               dates               that               dot               the               history               of               the               National               Football               League.

               The               American               Professional               Football               Association               became               a               reality,               according               to               "History               of               the               NFL               Timeline."               The               League               inauspiciously               began               with               four               teams               and,               in               1922;               a               name               change               gave               birth               to               the               National               Football               League.

Within               a               month,               10               other               teams               joined               the               league.
               The               American               Professional               Football               Association               played               its               first               game,               and               the               Dayton               Flyers               defeated               the               Columbus               Panhandle,               14-0.

The               fledgling               league               struggled               in               its               infanthood,               and               in               the               next               12               years               over               40               teams               joined               the               Football               Association,               only               to               drop               out.
               The               Akron               Pros               were               the               American               Professional               Football               Associations               first               league               champion,               but               only               four               of               the               original               fourteen               teams               remained.
               First,               the               Green               Bay               Packers,               then               the               Chicago               Bears               joined               the               league.

Today,               the               Packers               are               the               National               Football               Leagues               oldest               franchise.
               The               American               Professional               Football               Association's               legal               name               became               the               National               Football               League.

               In               a               move               to               curb               turnover,               the               National               Football               League               cancelled               the               contracts               of               10               financially               strapped               teams.

The               move               left               only               12               teams               in               the               league.
               The               drafting               of               college               players               began.

Heisman               Trophy               Winner               Jay               Berwanger               was               the               first               player               chosen.

Rather               than               play               professional               football,               he               chose               to               pursue               a               career               in               plastics.
               The               National               Broadcasting               Company               broadcast               the               first               televised               football               game.

In               1939,               less               than               1000               televisions               were               in               New               York               City,               so,               no               one               took               viewer               statistics               of               the               game               between               the               Brooklyn               Dodgers               and               the               Philadelphia               Eagles.
               World               War               2               left               a               shortage               of               available               players,               and               some               in-state               teams               combined               players               in               order               to               field               a               team.

The               NFL               struggled,               but               survived               the               war.
               Football               became               a               reality               on               the               west               coast,               when               the               St.

Louis               Rams               moved               to               Los               Angeles               and               became               the               Los               Angeles               Rams.
               The               Los               Angeles               Rams               painted               horns               on               their               leather               helmets,               and               were               the               first               NFL               team               with               a               helmet               logo.
               The               Los               Angeles               Rams               defeated               the               Cleveland               Browns               24-17,               in               the               first               NFL               Championship               game               televised               nationwide.
               Norm               Van               Brocklin               threw               for               554               yards               in               a               single               game               against               the               New               York               Yanks.
               A               game               that               helped               propel               the               NFL               up               the               sports               popularity               map               was               the               1958               Colts-Giants               NFL               Championship               Game.

The               Colts               won               the               game               in               overtime               23-17.
               The               legendary               Vince               Lombardi               became               head               coach               of               the               Green               Bay               Packers.
               The               American               Football               League               challenged               the               supremacy               of               the               National               Football               League,               and               with               eight               teams               started               a               separate               league.

They               gained               credibility,               when               the               American               Broadcasting               Company               signed               them               to               a               five-year               television               contract.
               The               NFL               owners               elect               Pete               Rozelle               to               his               first               term               as               NFL               Commissioner.

He               would               hold               the               position               for               29               years.
               The               Huston               Oilers               defeated               the               San               Diego               Chargers               24-16               to               win               the               first               AFL               Championship               game.
               The               NFL               moved               its               corpo.rate               headquarters               to               the               Rockefeller               Plaza,               in               New               York               City,               to               give               them               a               more               upscale               platform               to               deal               with               the               television               and               advertising               industries.
               With               Vince               Lombardi               as               their               coach,               the               Green               Bay               Packers               won               the               first               of               what               would               be               five               titles               in               the               1960's.
               Jim               Brown,               the               immortalized               star               of               the               Cleveland               Browns               wins               his               record               fifth               consecutive               league-rushing               award.

That               record               stood               for               50               years.
               Commissioner               Pete               Rozelle               was               the               force               behind               the               creation               of               NFL               Properties,               Inc.

Today,               the               licensing               and               sale               of               the               NFL               insignia               and               logo               is               over               a               billion-dollar               industry.
               The               NFL               and               AFL               negotiate               television               contracts               with               NBC               and               CBS               for               over               $64               million               dollars.
               Polls               show               football               has               surpassed               football               in               popularity.
               Effective               in               1970,               the               NFL               and               AFL               agreed               to               merge               as               one               into               the               NFL.

In               addition,               until               the               merger,               the               two               league               champions               would               meet               each               year               in               a               championship               game               called               the               Super               Bowl.
               The               Green               Bay               Packers               defeated               the               Kansas               City               Chiefs,               35-10,               in               the               inaugural               Super               Bowl.

The               site               was               the               Los               Angeles               Memorial               Stadium               that               was               not               filled               to               capacity,               but               the               television               audience               was               larger               than               any               other               audience               to               view               a               sports               game.
               On               frozen               tundra,               otherwise               known               as               Lambeau               field               the               Green               Bay               Packer               needed               a               last-minute               touchdown               to               defeat               the               Dallas               Cowboys,               21-17,               in               the               infamous               playoff               game               known               as               the               ice-bowl.

The               victory               sent               Green               Bay               to               Super               Bowl               ll.
               In               Super               Bowl               ll,               Lombardi's               Packers               won               their               fifth               championship               in               eight               years,               defeating               the               Oakland               Raiders               34-14.

After               the               game,               Vince               Lombardi               announced               his               retirement.
               The               Joe               Namath               led               New               York               Jets               pulled               off               the               greatest               upset               in               Super               Bowl               history               as               they               defeated               the               Baltimore               Colts,               16-7.
               The               AFL               and               NFL               merge               into               two               conferences,               the               National               Football               Conference               (NFC)               and               the               American               Football               Conference               (AFC               ).
               Super               Bowl               IV               had               a               record               crowd               of               80,562               watches               the               Kansas               City               Chiefs               defeat               the               Minnesota               Vikings               23-7.
               The               Baltimore               Colts               defeated               the               Dallas               Cowboys               16-13               in               Super               Bowl               V.

Johnny               Unitas,               the               storied,               but               past               his               prime               Colt               quarterback               left               the               game               in               the               first               half               with               an               injury.

His               replacement,               Earl               Morrill,               led               the               Colts               on               a               late               in               the               game               drive,               and               a               field               goal               provided               the               margin               of               victory.
               The               NFL's               most               famous               catch               of               a               tipped               catch               happened               in               the               AFC               playoff               game               between               the               Pittsburgh               Steelers,               and               the               Oakland               Raiders.

Remembered               as               the               "immaculate               reception,"               Franco               Harris               caught               the               tipped               pass               from               Terry               Bradshaw,               and               ran               it               for               a               touchdown               with               time               expiring,               to               win               the               game               13-7,               and               send               the               Steelers               to               the               AFC               finals.
               Roger               Stabach,               Dallas               Cowboy               quarterback,               leads               Dallas               to               an               easy               24-3               win               over               the               Miami               Dolphins,               in               Super               Bowl               VI.
               In               Super               Bowl               VII,               the               Miami               Dolphins               became               the               only               team               in               NFL               history               to               complete               an               undefeated               season,               when               they               defeated               the               Washington               Redskins               14-7.
               The               Miami               Dolphins               win               back               to               back               Super               Bowls               defeating               the               Minnesota               Vikings               24-7,               in               Super               Bowl               VIII.
               The               Pittsburgh               Steelers               win               their               first               ever               NFL               championship,               in               Super               Bowl               IX,               defeating               the               Minnesota               Vikings               16-6.

This               began               an               unprecedented               and               never               duplicated               dynasty.

The               Steelers               would               win               four               Super               Bowls               in               the               last               half               of               the               1970's.
               The               Dallas               Cowboys               are               the               next               Pittsburgh               Steelers               victim,               as               the               Steelers               win               Super               Bowl               X               by               the               score               of               21-17.
               In               Super               Bowl               XI,               the               Minnesota               Vikings               lose               a               record               fourth               Super               Bowl               to               the               Oakland               Raiders,               by               the               score               32-14.
               The               Minnesota               Vikings               give               up               an               NFL               one-game               record               275               yards               to               Chicago               Bears               running               back               Walter               Payton.

The               yardage               would               be               a               record               for               23               years.
               The               Denver               Broncos               lost               Super               Bowl               XII               to               the               Dallas               Cowboys,               27-10.

The               Broncos               turned               the               ball               over               a               record               eight               times.
               The               Dallas               Cowboys               lost               to               the               Pittsburgh               Steelers               in               Super               Bowl               XIII.

Steeler               quarterback               Terry               Bradshaw               threw               a               record               four               touchdown               passes.
               Coca               Cola               showed               the               classic               advertisement,               during               Super               Bowl               XIII,               of               Pittsburgh               defender               "mean               Joe               Greene"               giving               his               jersey               to               a               young               fan,               in               return               for               a               bottle               of               Coke.
               Super               Bowl               XIV               is               the               Pittsburgh               Steelers               fourth               Super               Bowl               championship.

They               defeated               the               Los               Angles               Rams,               31-19.

Steeler               quarterback               Terry               Bradshaw               becomes               the               first               player               to               win               back-to-back               Super               Bowl               Most               Valuable               Player               Awards.
               The               Oakland               Raiders               defeat               the               Philadelphia               Eagles,               27-10,               to               win               Super               Bowl               XV.
               Super               Bowl               XVI               had               an               over               49               percent               viewer               rating.

The               crowd               saw               an               exciting               game               as               Joe               Montana               and               San               Francisco               defeated               the               Cincinnati               Bengals,               26-21.
               Diana               Ross               sang               at               the               half               time               of               Super               Bowl               XVI.

It               was               the               first               time               well-known               stars               highlighted               Super               Bowl               half               times.

The               tradition               continues.
               The               Washington               Redskins               defeated               the               Miami               Dolphins               27-17,               in               Super               Bowl               XVII.

It               was               Washington's               first               NFL               championship.
               Super               Bowl               XVIII               belonged               to               the               Oakland               Raiders,               as               they               handily               defeated               the               Washington               Redskins               38-9.
               Super               Bowl               XIX               was               a               day               for               the               San               Francisco               49ers               offense.

In               winning               his               second               Super               Bowl               Joe               Montana               threw               for               331               yards,               ran               for               59,               Roger               Craig               scored               three               touchdowns,               and               the               49ers               accounted               for               a               record               537               total               yards.

Dan               Marino               and               the               Miami               Dolphins               were               on               the               wrong               end               of               a               38-16               score.
               The               Chicago               Bears               displayed               total               superiority               in               all               categories               as               they               demoralized               the               New               England               Patriots               46-10,               in               Super               Bowl               XX.

Led               by               the               their               charismatic               quarterback               Jim               McMahon,               defensive               standouts               Mike               Singletary,               Richard               Dent,               and               William               "The               Fridge"               Perry               led               the               way.

Perry               played               on               offense               for               one               play               in               the               third               quarter,               and               scored               a               touchdown               on               a               one-yard               bull-rush.
               In               Super               Bowl               XXI,               Phil               Simms               and               the               New               York               Giants               were               victorious               over               the               Denver               Broncos               by               a               score               of               39-20.

Simms               completed               an               amazing               88               percent               of               his               passes               that               day.
               The               1987               season               included               the               first               ever               NFL               Players               Association               strike               The               players               went               on               strike               for               three               games,               being               replaced               by               players               who               had               never               been               able               to               make               it               in               the               pro's.

The               players               wanted               free               agency               and               a               larger               cut               of               league               revenues.

After               the               third               game,               though,               players               began               crossing               the               picket               line               and               came               back               to               play.

Solidarity               was               gone,               and               the               games               resumed.

The               players               came               back               to               the               game               without               a               new               contract,               or               union.

No               new               agreement               was               official               until               1993,               but               each               year               the               NFL               had               a               season.
               John               Elway               and               the               Denver               Broncos               lost               Super               Bowl               XXII               to               Doug               Williams               and               the               Washington               Redskins,               42-10.

Williams               threw               for               341               yards               and               four               touchdowns               in               the               blowout.
               Super               Bowl               XXIII               saw               the               San               Francisco               49ers               defeat               the               Cincinnati               Bengals               20-16.

Joe               Montana               led               the               49ers               to               a               late               score               to               win               the               game.

Jerry               Rice               was               the               games               MVP               catching               11               passes               for               a               record               215               yards.
               Willie               Anderson               set               a               receiving               record               of               336               yards               in               a               game               against               the               New               Orleans               Saints.
               NFL               Commissioner               Pete               Rozelle               resigns,               and               Paul               Tagliabue               becomes               the               new               Commissioner.

Rozelle               served               for               29               years,               and               Tagliabue               served               for               17               years.
               The               Denver               Broncos               lost               another               Super               Bowl               XXIV               blowout,               this               time               55-10               by               the               San               Francisco               49ers.

The               49ers               won               their               fourth               Super               Bowl               tying               the               Pittsburgh               Steelers               as               the               only               other               team               to               win               four               Super               Bowls.

Joe               Montana               won               his               third               Super               Bowl               MVP               award,               and               after               the               game               his               living               legend               coach,               Bill               Walsh               resigned.
               As               time               expired               in               Super               Bowl               XXV,               Buffalo               Bills               field               goal               kicker               Scott               Norwood               missed               a               47-yard               field               goal,               and               the               New               York               Giants               won               20-19.
               Jim               Kelly               threw               four               interceptions,               and               star               running               back               Thurman               Thomas               ran               for               13               yards,               as               the               Washington               Redskins               defeated               the               Buffalo               Bills               37-24               in               Super               Bowl               XXVI.
               Troy               Aikman               threw               for               four               touchdowns,               and               the               Dallas               defense               forces               nine               Buffalo               turnovers.

The               Dallas               Cowboys               defeat               Buffalo               52-17               in               Super               Bowl               XXVII.
               In               Super               Bowl               XXVIII               Dallas               wins               its               fourth               Super               Bowl,               and               Buffalo               loses               a               record               fourth               in               a               row               by               the               score               30-13.
               The               Los               Angeles               Raiders               move               their               franchise               to               back               to               Oakland,               and               the               Los               Angeles               Rams               move               to               St.

Louis,               leaving               Los               Angeles               without               a               professional               football               team.
               San               Francisco               quarterback               Steve               Young's               patience               paid               of               as               Joe               Montana               retired,               and               he               took               over               the               team.

He               leads               them               to               Super               Bowl               XXIX               and               throws               six               touchdown               passes,               breaking               Joe               Montana's               record               of               five,               while               defeating               the               San               Diego               Chargers               49-26.

With               the               victory,               San               Francisco               becomes               the               first               team               to               win               five               Super               Bowls.
               Super               Bowl               XXX               saw               the               Dallas               Cowboys               win               their               fifth               Super               Bowl,               defeating               the               Pittsburg               Steelers               27-17.
               The               Green               Bay               Packers               and               Brett               Favre               defeat               the               New               England               Patriots               35-21,               in               Super               Bowl               XXXI.

For               the               first               time               in               Super               Bowl               history,               a               special               team's               player               wins               the               MVP               award.

Green               Bay               Packers               Desmond               Howard               wins               the               award               with               244               return               yards,               including               a               99-yard               kickoff               return               in               the               fourth               quarter               that               sealed               the               game.
               The               Denver               Broncos               finally               get               a               Super               Bowl               win,               as               they               defeat               the               Green               Bay               Packers               31-24,               in               Super               Bowl               XXXII.

Terrell               Davis               rushes               for               157               yards,               and               three               touchdowns.
               John               Elway               retires               on               top,               as               his               last               game               is               a               victory               over               the               Atlanta               Hawks,               34-19,               in               Super               Bowl               XXXIII.

He               also               was               the               MVP               of               the               game.
               Super               Bowl               XXXIV               was               Kurt               Warner               day.

The               former               Arena               Football               Player               won               the               MVP               award               when               he               threw               for               414               yards,               and               two               touchdowns,               as               the               St.

Louis               Rams               defeated               the               Tennessee               Titans               23-16.

The               game               clock               was               running               out               when               Rams               linebacker               Mike               Jones               tackled               Titan               receiver               Kevin               Dyson               at               the               Rams               one-yard               line,               to               preserve               the               victory.
               The               Giants               Offense               forgot               to               show               up,               and               Ray               Lewis               and               the               Baltimore               Ravens               win               Super               Bowl               XXXV               34-7.

The               Ravens               had               four               sacks               and               forced               five               turnovers,               as               the               Giant               offense               could               only               muster               152               yards               of               total               offense.
               Adam               Vinitieri               kicked               a               late               48-yard               field               goal,               and               the               New               England               Patriots               won               Super               Bowl               XXXVI               20-17.

The               Rams               offense               outgained               the               Patriots               427-267,               but               three               Ram               turnovers               let               to               17               of               New               England's               20               points.
               On               a               short               run               in               the               fourth               quarter               against               the               Seattle               Seahawks,               Emmitt               Smith               breaks               Walter               "Sweetness"               Peyton's               rushing               record.

The               109               yards               he               gained               in               that               game,               brought               his               record-breaking               career               total               to               16,728               yards.
               Super               Bowl               XXXVII               brings               the               first               Super               Bowl               game               win               to               the               Tampa               Bay               Buccaneers,               as               they               defeat               the               Oakland               Raiders               48-21,
               Jamal               Lewis,               running               back               for               the               Baltimore               Ravens,               sets               a               one               game               record               rushing               for               295               yards               against               the               Cleveland               Browns.
               Adam               Vinatieri               kicked               a               41               yard               field               goal               with               four               seconds               left,               as               the               New               England               Patriots               defeated               the               Carolina               Panthers               32-29,               in               Super               Bowl               XXXVIII.
               The               New               England               Patriots               defeat               the               Philadelphia               Eagles               24-21               to               win               Super               Bowl               XXXIX.

It               is               the               Patriots               third               Super               Bowl               win               in               four               years.
               Super               Bowl               XL               is               the               fifth               title               for               the               Pittsburgh               Steelers,               tying               them               with               Dallas               and               San               Francisco.

They               defeat               the               Seattle               Seahawks               21-10.
               Paul               Tagliabue               retires               after               seventeen               years               as               Commissioner,               and               Roger               Goodell               becomes               the               next               Commissioner.
               Arguably,               the               greatest               receiver               in               NFL               history               Jerry               Rice               retires.

When               he               retired,               he               held               the               NFL               record               in               total               receptions,               receiving               yards,               and               receiving               touchdowns.
               Peyton               Manning               finally               gets               his               Super               Bowl               win,               and               he               is               the               MVP               of               Super               Bowl               XLI.

He               and               the               rest               of               the               Indianapolis               Colts               defeat               the               Chicago               Bears               29-17.
               After               putting               together               what               was               probably               the               NFL's               most               dominant               season,               in               which               Tom               Brady               threw               for               a               record               50               touchdowns,               the               New               England               Patriots               lose               Super               Bowl               XLII               17-14               to               the               New               York               Giants.

The               Giants               score               a               touchdown               with               only               35               seconds               remaining               to               win               the               game.

Eli               Manning,               the               quarterback               for               the               Giants,               completed               five               passes               in               that               last-minute               drive.
               Brett               Favre               retires               as               the               Green               Bay               Packer               quarterback               after               17               years               in               the               league.

He               retires               with               the
               remarkable               record               of               253               consecutive               starts.

However,               a               few               months               later               he               decides               he               wants               to               still               play,               but               the               Packers               have               already               moved               on               with               quarterback               Aaron               Rodgers,               so,               Favre               moves               on               to               the               Minnesota               Vikings.
               Super               Bowl               XLIII               becomes               the               Pittsburgh               Steelers               record               sixth               Super               Bowl               win,               when               they               defeat               the               Arizona               Cardinals,               27-23.

The               Cardinals               came               back               from               a               20-7               deficit               to               lead               with               two-minutes               left               in               the               game.

However,               Steeler               quarterback               Ben               Roethlisberger               led               the               Steelers               down               the               field,               and               with               35               seconds               left               threw               a               touchdown               pass               to               Santonio               Holmes               to               win               the               game.
               With               only               3:12               left               in               Super               Bowl               XLIV,               New               Orleans               Saints'               cornerback               Terry               Porter               intercepted               a               Peyton               Manning               pass,               and               returned               it               74               yards               for               a               touchdown.

This               gave               the               Saints               a               31-17               lead,               which               was               the               final               score.
               Will               your               favorite               team,               or               players,               make               the               "list"               this               year?"
               History               of               the               NFL               :               History               of               the               NFL               Timeline:               shmoop.com

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