2013년 11월 27일 수요일

About 'university of minn'|...that was called "Minn-Conn-Penn-V Rangers... a flag to match; one of my sons' friends...faculty strike here in our small university town, so hearing the...

About 'university of minn'|...that was called "Minn-Conn-Penn-V Rangers... a flag to match; one of my sons' friends...faculty strike here in our small university town, so hearing the...

               Ahead               of               the               50th               anniversary               of               the               JFK               assassination,               Yahoo               is               publishing               first-person               accounts               from               Americans               who               remember               the               tragedy               and               recall               the               era:               What               life               was               like               in               November               1963               in               their               communities?

How               did               the               president's               death               reflect               their               hopes               and               anxieties?

Here's               one               story.
               FIRST               PERSON               |               I               was               still               living               in               my               hometown               of               St.

Paul,               Minn.,               when               Kennedy               was               killed.

I               was               20               and               preparing               to               enter               my               first               year               of               college               at               the               University               of               Minnesota.
               I               think               my               hormones               raged               more               than               the               average               guys               because,               in               the               early               '60s,               I               spent               all               of               my               free               time               chasing               girls.

Don't               get               me               wrong               when               I               tell               you               this,               but               JFK               helped               me               pick-up               girls.

Well,               indirectly               anyway.

Meeting               new               people,               guys               or               girls,               was               a               very               painful               experience               for               me.

Knowing               what               to               say,               starting               a               conversation               or               even               saying               hello               left               me               clueless               until               I               got               help               from               JFK.

Let               me               explain.
               1963's               album               of               the               year               was               "The               First               Family"               by               Vaughn               Meader.

It               was               a               comedy               record               with               Meader               impersonating               JFK               in               a               variety               of               skits.

My               friends               and               I               spent               hours               listening               to               the               record.

It               didn't               take               long               before               we               started               developing               our               own               Kennedy               impersonations.

I               don't               want               to               brag               but,               mine               was               about               as               good               as               Meaders.
               The               most               famous               line               from               the               record               and               from               Kennedy               himself               was:               "Let               me               say               this               about               that."               It               was               followed               on               the               record               by,               "The               fault               lies               not               with               the               salad,               but               with               the               dressing               being               used               on               the               salad."               I               perfected               this               line               and               was               able               to               insert               something               relative               to               the               situation               for               the               salad               part.

Such               as:               "Let               me               say               this               about               that.

The               fault               lies               not               with               the               car,               but               with               the               tire               that               is               flat."               I               guess               you               had               to               be               there               at               the               time               for               it               to               be               funny.

But               it               was.
               The               Prom               Ballroom               in               St.

Paul               was               my               favorite               place               to               meet               girls.

After               I               had               perfected               my               Kennedy               impersonation               I               could               easily               start               a               conversation               with               almost               anyone               and,               my               success               with               girls               jumped               off               of               the               charts.

My               success               with               girls               and               my               Kennedy               impersonation               came               to               an               end               on               Nov.

22,               1963,               of               course,               when               JFK               was               assassinated               in               Dallas.
               I               moved               to               Dallas               in               1979               and               have               driven               by               Dealey               Plaza               on               a               daily               basis               for               more               than               30               years.

I've               had               many               conversations               and               opinions               about               the               JFK               assassination.

But               I               can't               help               remembering               how               JFK,               indirectly,               helped               me               develop               my               social               skills.
               It's               been               50               years               since               Kennedy               was               killed,               and               I'm               single               again.

Maybe               it               might               be               all               right               to               start               using               my               JFK               impersonation               once               more.

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