2013년 12월 4일 수요일



You               have               managed               to               navigate               the               American               school               system's               over-reliance               on               rote               memorization               in               order               to               pass               ridiculously               stupid               standardized               tests               in               order               for               politicians               to               act               like               they               are               doing               something               about               raising               the               standards               of               education               in               America               (they               aren't)               and               now               you               are               ready               to               head               for               college.

But               which               one?

Should               you               apply               to               Yale               despite               the               fact               that               they               let               George               W.

Bush               graduate?

Should               you               head               for               MIT               despite               the               fact               that               the               hottie               quotient               there               is               next               to               nil?

And               the               University               of               Chicago?

Heck,               they               don't               even               have               a               football               team!

Should               you               choose               Harvard               over               Yale               while               remembering               that               George               W.

Bush               was               granted               an               MBA               from               there?

How               do               you               decide               on               a               college               that               is               right               for               your               purposes               if               you               aren't               already               locked               in               because               daddy               was               a               political               insider?

First               off,               decide               if               you               want               to               play               football               despite               being               a               convicted               felon.

Your               choice:               Florida               State               University.

Trust               me;               felon               football               players               thrive               at               FSU               like               they               thrive               nowhere               else.
               Gather               Ye               Rosebuds
               Get               as               much               information               about               the               colleges               that               interest               you               that               you               can.

Consult               books               like               The               Insider's               Guide               to               College,               Treasure               Schools               and               web               sites               like               the               Real               World               Guide               to               College               and,               of               course,               the               official               web               sites               of               the               college               you'd               like               to               attend.

Get               information               on               the               intricacies               of               how               specific               colleges               work               from               any               graduate               you               can               find.

This               can               easily               be               done               while               at               the               same               time               making               FaceBook               worthwhile               for               something               besides               growing               virtual               crops.
               Guided               Counseling
               Hit               your               high               school               guidance               counselor               up               for               information               on               the               best               schools               suited               for               your               talents.

A               guidance               counselor               who               is               worth               the               excessive               pay               he               receives               will               be               armed               with               a               truckload               of               college               information               send               him               from               those               very               same               colleges.

Guidance               counselors               can               share               vital               information               with               you               about               colleges               that               you               may               not               find               on               the               college               web               site.

If               your               guidance               counselor               isn't               hip               to               what's               happening               on               campuses,               seek               out               another               counselor               than               the               one               you               were               assigned.

Not               all               guidance               counselors               are               created               equal.
               Ruthless               Honesty
               Ruthless               honesty               is               vital               when               choosing               a               college.

Do               you               want               to               spend               serious               time               studying               so               you               can               get               a               great               job               that               won't               be               outsourced               by               the               time               you               graduate?

(The               only               jobs               that               you               can               be               certain               won't               be               outsourced               are               CEO               and               athletic               star,               by               the               way.)               Is               college               just               a               way               station               between               partying               with               your               high               school               friends               and               partying               with               your               co-workers               at               Wal-Mart               or               the               Home               Depot?

If               you               know               you're               not               going               to               be               giving               it               your               all               education-wise,               then               choose               a               party               school               like               Chico               State               or               the               Univ.

of               Miami-Fl.

If               you               want               to               make               something               of               your               self               besides               getting               the               college               nickname               Cheechy               Chong,               head               to               Thomas               Aquinas               College               or               Hanover               College.

And,               again,               if               you               want               to               make               the               starting               football               team               despite               having               been               arrested               twice               for               shoplifting,               there               is               FSU.
               Location,               Location,               Location
               If               you               are               looking               at               college               as               a               way               of               establishing               your               independence,               then               head               across               the               country.

Those               who               went               to               high               school               in               Sacramento               should               think               about               Penn               St.

Those               who               grew               up               in               the               Nittany               Valley               should               consider               Stanford.

If               you               want               to               make               sure               you               can               get               home               for               mom's               Thanksgiving               feast               without               having               to               worry               about               a               weather-related               layover               at               O'Hare,               then               pick               a               school               close               by.

If               you               think               you               might               get               homesick               more               often               than               sick               from               drinking               too               much               at               a               Friday               night               party,               consider               a               college               within               a               hundred               miles.

If               the               last               thing               you               want               to               wake               up               to               is               a               surprise               visit               from               mom,               dad               or               little               sister,               make               sure               that               you               choose               a               college               that               is               at               least               a               full               day's               drive               away               from               your               old               bedroom.
               Size               Matters
               Yoda               was               wrong               when               he               said               size               matters               not.

When               it               comes               to               choosing               the               right               college               for               you,               size               matters               a               lot.

Larry               Byrd               was               invited               to               see               the               Univ.

of               Indiana               by               b-ball               coach               Bobby               Knight.

The               kid               from               French               Lick               was               overwhelmed               and               instead               chose               little               Indiana               State               over               the               Hoosiers.

Some               people               thrive               on               a               large               campus               while               others               are               overwhelmed.

Be               realistic               in               your               assessment               of               what               you               want               from               a               college.

If               you               want               a               never-ending               chance               to               be               distracted,               then               head               for               the               Univ.

of               Florida               or               Southern               Cal.

If               you               know               you'll               be               too               cowed               by               college               campuses               roughly               the               same               size               as               the               small               town               where               you               grew               up,               then               look               into               smaller               schools               like               the               College               of               Wooster,               Willamette               Univ.

or               Macalester               College.

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    About 'st thomas university bookstore'|Towards a Critical Appreciation of Thomas Merton

    About 'st thomas university bookstore'|Towards a Critical Appreciation of Thomas Merton

    Using               public               Wi-Fi               services               can               be               a               fast,               free,               and               easy               option               for               accessing               the               internet               when               out               and               about.

    Below               is               a               list               of               Colorado               locations               that               each               offer               some               form               of               Wi-Fi               accessibility.

    Some               establishments               offer               Wi-Fi               with               no               strings               attached               while               others               might               implicitly               expect               a               purchase               in               exchange               for               use               of               their               broadband               connections.

    You               can               always               call               ahead               to               make               sure               that               you               know,               when               the               time               arises,               which               locations               will               meet               your               Wi-Fi               needs.

    Another               thing               to               remember               when               connecting               online               at               a               public               Wi-Fi               spot               is               that               it's               public.

    In               order               to               prevent               forms               of               identity               theft,               you               should               be               cautious               about               transmitting               sensitive               data               when               connected               to               a               public               service.

    That               being               said,               Wi-Fi               can               still               be               a               great               and               effective               tool               in               allowing               you               to               accomplish               what               you               want               away               from               home               or               the               office.
                   Free               Wi-Fi               is               commonly               offered               in               coffee               shops,               cafés,               diners,               book               stores,               libraries,               auto               repair               shops,               and               so               on.

    If               you               can't               find               something               conveniently               located               to               you               on               the               list               below,               you               might               even               try               calling               around               to               local               shops               asking               if               free               Wi-Fi               is,               indeed,               being               offered.

    Even               if               only               a               pay-to-use               service               is               available,               it               might               be               worth               it               given               your               personal               circumstances.
                   The               Wi-Fi               FreeSpot               Directory               prides               itself               on               publishing               a               comprehensive               list               of               free               Wi-Fi               locations               and               is               continually               being               updated.

    Below               is               a               condensed               version               of               that               list,               offering               some               of               the               most               popular               and               regularly               accessed               free               Wi-Fi               locations               in               various               Colorado               cities.

    I've               intentionally               left               off               most               of               the               resort               and               hotel               listings               because               those               usually               require               the               full               lodging               fees               in               order               to               access               the               broadband               connections,               which               isn't               that               useful               for               locals               trying               to               find               a               free               Wi-Fi               hotspot               to               spend               an               afternoon.

    For               the               full               list,               you               can               visit               the               FreeSpot               Directory.
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Arvada
                   Panera               Bread               -               7739               Wadsworth               Boulevard               -               (303)               420-7500
                   Apex               Center               -               13150               W               72nd               Ave.

    -               303-424-2739
                   La               Dolce               Vita               -               5756               Olde               Wadsworth               -               303-456-8919
                   Billy               D's               Coffee               -               14705               W.

    64th               Ave.,               Suite               A               -               303-432-7553
                   Novo               Coffee               -               7745               Wadsworth               Blvd               #               B
                   Lollicup-               6474               Ward               Rd.

    -               303-480-0500
                   Dnote               -               7519               Grandview               Ave               -               303               GO               DNOTE
                   Arvada               Library               -               8555               W.

    57th               Ave.

    -               (303)               424-5527
                   Standley               Lake               Library               -               8485               Kipling               St.

    -               (303)               456-0806
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Aurora
                   Panera               Bread               -               12293               East               Iliff               Avenue               -               (303)               755-6800
                   Atlanta               Bread               Co.

    -               14262               East               Cedar               Avenue               -               303-341-6200
                   Table               Steaks               East               -               3253               S.

    Parker               Road               -               303-743-8888
                   Peaberry               Coffee               -               12101               E.

    Iliff               Ave               -               303-338-8391
                   It's               A               Grind               Coffee               House               -               5580               South               Parker               Road               -               (720)876-1500
                   Carino               Coffee               -               20971               E               Smoky               Hill               Rd               -               303-766-7272
                   One               Way               Cafe               -               18900               E               Hampden               Ave               -               303               628               7200
                   Legends               of               Aurora               -               13690               E               Iliff               Ave               -               303-671-0560
                   Town               Center               at               Aurora               -               food               court               area               -               14200               E               Alameda               Ave               -               303               344               4120
                   Aurora               Public               Libraries               -               7               branches
                   Smoky               Hill               Library               -               5430               S.

    Biscay               Circle

    of               Co.

    Hospital               -               12605               E               16th               Ave               -               720-848-0000
                   Health               Sciences               Library               -               12950               E               Montview               Blvd               -               303               724               2152
                   Cherry               Creek               State               Park               -               4201               S               Parker               Rd               -               303-690-1166
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Boulder
                   Amante               Coffee               -               4580               Broadway               and               1035               Walnut               Street
                   Bliss               Ice               Cream               -               2425               Canyon               Blvd.,               Suite               B               -               303-443-9596
                   Bookends               Cafe               -               1115               Pearl               Street               -               303-440-6699
                   Boulder               Libraries               -               Carnegie               Branch               -               1125               Pine               Street               -               (303)               441-3110               and               George               Reynolds               Branch               -               3595               Table               Mesa               Drive               -               (303)               441-3120               and               Meadows               Branch               -               4800               Baseline               Road               -               (303)               441-4390
                   Boulder               Toyota/Scion               -               Customer               Business               Center               area               -               2465               48th               Ct               -               (303)               443-3250
                   Brewing               Market               -               2525               Arapahoe               Ave               -               (303)               444-4858
                   Brewing               Market               -               2610               Baseline               Road               -               303-499-1345
                   Brewing               Market               -               1918               13th               St               -               303-443-2098
                   Boulder               Public               Library               -               1000               Canyon               Blvd.

    -               (303)               441-3100
                   Buchanan's               Coffee               Pub               -               1301               Pennsylvania               Ave.

    -               303-440-0222
                   Cafe               at               The               Dairy               Center               for               the               Ats               -               2590               Walnut               Street               -               303-444-1619
                   Cafe               Sienna               -               1               Boulder               Plaza,               1801               13th               St               -               303-417-0168
                   Caffe               Sole               -               South               Boulder               -               637R               South               Broadway               -               303-499-2985
                   Camille's               Sidewalk               Cafe               -               1710               Pearl               St.

    -               303-440-9727
                   Conor               O'Neill's               Traditional               Irish               Pub               -               1922               13th               Street
                   CopyExperts               -               2835               28th               Street               -               303-448-1111
                   Folsom               Street               Coffee               Company               -               get               password               with               purchase               -               1795               Folsom               St.

                   Glacier               Homemade               Ice               Cream               -               4760               Baseline               Rd               -               303-499-4760
                   IHOP               -               1675               28th               St               -               303-444-2115
                   Jet's               Espressoria               -               2116               B               Pearl               St
                   Joe's               Espresso               -               2500               30th               St.

    -               303.444.4207
                   Laudisio               Rest.

    -               1710               29th               St               -               303               442               1300
                   Laundry               Mat               -               1785               Folsom               St.
                   Laundromat               -               1686               30th               St
                   Laundromat               -               6950               S.

                   Lazy               Dog               Sports               Bar               and               Grill               -               1346               Pearl               St.
                   Lollicup               Boulder               -               1142               13th               St               -               303-443-0120
                   McCaddon               Cadillac               -               48               Pearl               Pkwy               -               303-442-3160
                   Page               Two               Coffee               -               6565               Gunpark               Dr               -               303-530-3339
                   Panera               Bread               -               1855               29th               St.

    -               303-544-1800
                   Paradise               Bakery               -               1207               Pearl               St               -               303-442-3965
                   Peaberry               Coffee               -               2721               Arapahoe               Ave               -               303-449-4111
                   Pearl               Street               Mall               -               between               Broadway               and               13th               Street               along               the               mall
                   Peet's               Coffee               -               2               hrs.

    free               with               purchase               -               1695               29th               St               -               303               544               1234
                   Pekoe               Sip               House               -               1225               Alpine               Avenue               -               303-444-5953
                   RedFish               restaurant               /               Jamaica               Joe               coffeeshop               -               2027               13th               St.
                   Tea               Spot               -               1801               13th               St.

    Ste               170               -               (303)               442-4TEA
                   Tee               and               Cakes               -               1932               14th               St               -               720               406               7548
                   The               Cup               -               1521               Pearl               St               -               303-442-3065
                   The               Kitchen               -               1039               Pearl               St               -               303-544-5973
                   The               Laughing               Goat               Coffee               House               -               1709               Pearl               Street               -               (303)               440-4628
                   The               Reel               (in               the               Flatirons               Theater               Building)               -               1089               13th               Street               -               303-442-1944
                   The               Spot               Bouldering               Gym               -               3240               Prairie               Ave               -               303.379.8806
                   Traveller's               Juice               N               Java               -               1932               14th               St.
                   Trident               Booksellers               and               Cafe               -               940               Pearl               St               -               303-443-3133
                   Vic's               coffee               -               2680               Broadway               St               and               1800               Broadway               -               303.938.6886
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Breckenridge
                   Mountain               Java               -               118               So.

    Ridge               Street               -               970-453-1874
                   The               House               With               The               Red               Door               -               Summit               Ridge               Center               Unit               202
                   Singletrack               Cafe               -               400               N.

    Park               Ave               in               the               Parkway               (City               Market)               Center               -               970-453-0333
                   Clint's               Coffee               Shop               -               131               S.

    Main               St               -               303-453-2990
                   Airport               Road               Auto               Repair               -               1700               Airport               Road               -               970-453-1823
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Broomfield
                   Peaberry               Coffee               -               1               FlatIron               Circle,               #2232               -               720-887-6878
                   Apple               Store               -               Flatiron               Crossing
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Buena               Vista
                   Global               Cafe               &               Market               -               222               Hwy               24               S               -               719-395               8092
                   Bongo               Billy's               Coffees               &               Cafe               -               713               S               US               Hwy               24               -               719               395               4991
                   Buena               Vista               Public               Library               -               131               Linderman               Ave               -               719               395               6426
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Castle               Rock
                   The               Outlets               at               Castle               Rock               -               food               court               area               -               5050               Factory               Shops               Blvd.
                   Castle               Rock               Bar               and               Grill               -               302               Wilcox               St.
                   Philip               S.

    Miller               Library               -               100               S.

                   The               Fowl               Line               -               774               Maleta               Lane               -               720               733               7542
                   Rocky               Mountain               Harley-Davidson               -               during               business               hours               -               970               Park               Street
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Centennial
                   Bridge               Centers               at               Smoky               Hill               -               20971               E.

    Smoky               Hill               Rd.
                   Buffalo               Wild               Wings               -               8255               S               Chester               St               -               303-768-9464
                   Koelbel               Public               Library               -               5955               South               Holly               Street               -               303               -               LIBRARY
                   Castlewood               Library               -               6739               South               Uinta               Street
                   Southglenn               Library               -               7500               South               University               Blvd               #101
                   Carino               Coffee               -               20971               E               Smoky               Hill               Rd               -               303-766-7272
                   Softpro               bookstore               -               6862               S               Yosemite               St.

    -               (303)               740-7751
                   Peaberry               Coffee               -               8283               S.

    Akron               St,               Suite700               -               303-925-0340
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Colorado               Springs
                   Agia               Sophia               Coffee               Shop               &               Bookstore               -               2902               W.

    Colorado               Ave.

    -               719.632.3322
                   Bear               Rock               Cafe               -               975               N.

    Academy               Blvd               -               719-596-4392
                   Black               Forest               Coffee               Haus               -               11425               Black               Forest               Rd               -               719-495-4804
                   Boulder               Street               Coffee               Roasters               -               332               N               Tejon               St               -               719-577-4291
                   Briargate               Branch               Library               -               9475               Briar               Village               Point               -               (719)               260-6882
                   Bud               Werner               Memorial               Library               -               1289               Lincoln               Ave.

    -               970-879-0240
                   Canyon               Coffee               &               Cafe               -               1791               S               8th               St.
                   Cheyenne               Mountain               Branch               Library               -               1785               South               8th               Street,               Suite               100               -               (719)               633-6278
                   Coffee               Exchange               -               526               South               Tejon               Street               -               719-227-8639
                   Colorado               City               Creamery               -               6628A               Delmonico               Dr               -               (719)               265-6556
                   Colorado               Coffee               Merchants               -               302               E               Fillmore               St               -               719               473               8878
                   Colorado               Springs               Convention               &               Visitors               Bureau               -               515               S               Cascade               Ave
                   Dogtooth               Coffee               Co.

    -               505               E               Columbia               St               -               719               632               0125
                   East               Library               -               5550               N.

    Union               Blvd.

    -               (719)               531-6333
                   Einstein               Bros.

    Bagels               -               2848               North               Powers               Blvd.

    and               4325               Centennial               Blvd               and               6988               N.

    Academy               Blvd.
                   El               Tesoro               -               10               N               Sierra               Madre               St               -               719-471-0106               Good               Company               Restaurant               -               7625               N.

    Union               Blvd               -               719-528-8877
                   It's               A               Grind               Coffee               House               -               3236               Centennial               Blvd               -               719-635-2411
                   Joanie's               Cafe               -               2224               N               Wahsatch               Ave               -               (719)               578-9200
                   MacSuperstore               -               3646               New               Center               Point               -               719               434               4770
                   McCabe's               Tavern               -               520               S.

    Tejon               St.

    -               (719)               633-3300
                   Mountain               Perks               Coffee               -               5765               N               Academy               Blvd               -               719               266               1488
                   North               End               Diner               -               3005               N               Hancock               Ave               -               719               442               1833
                   Panera               Bread               Company               -               1832               Southgate               Road               -               (719)               389-0808
                   Panera               Bread               Company               -               1845               Briargate               Parkway               -               (719)               266-9200
                   Panera               Bread               Company               -               7344               North               Academy               Blvd               -               (719)               522-1100
                   Peaberry               Coffee               -               7335               N.

    Academy               -               719-598-7570
                   Phantom               Canyon               Brewing               Company               -               2               East               Pikes               Peak               Ave.

    -               (719)               635-2800
                   Pike's               Perk               locations               -               one               time               $5.95               registration               fee,               unlimited               free               access               after               that               -               5547               Powers               Center               Point               and               5965               N               Academy               Blvd,               #203               and               14               S               Tejon               St               and               1616               S               8th               St
                   R&R               Coffee               Cafe               -               with               any               purchase               -               11425               Black               Forest               Rd,               #6               -               719               494               8300
                   Raven's               Nest               Coffee               -               330               N.

    Institute               St.
                   Ritz               Grill               -               15               S               Tejon               St               -               719-635-8484
                   Sand               Creek               Branch               Library               -               1821               South               Academy               Blvd               -               (719)               597-7070
                   Summit               House               Coffee               -               12225               Voyager               Pkwy               -               (719)488-8893
                   The               First               and               Main               Town               Center               on               Powers               Boulevard               -               near               the               theatres
                   The               Java               Buddha               Coffeehouse               -               2820               West               Colorado               Ave               -               719-633-JAVA
                   The               Mason               Jar               Rest.

    -               2925               W               Colorado               Ave               -               719               632               4810
                   V               Bar               -               19               E               Kiowa
                   Colorado               Springs               Airport               -               main               concourse               -               7770               Drennan               Road
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Denver
                   16th               Street               Mall               and               Skyline               Park               -               Arapahoe               between               15th               and               18th
                   Apple               Store               -               Cherry               Creek               Mall
                   Aviano               Coffee               -               955               Licoln               St.

    Unit               G               -               (303)               860-7054
                   Big               Fat               Cupcake               -               129               Adams               St               -               303               322               2253
                   Blackberries               -               710               E               26th               Ave               -               303               830               3156
                   Boyer               Coffee               -               7295               N.

    Washington               St.

    -               303-289-3345
                   Cafe               de               Paris               -               1489               Steele               St               -               303-399-1141
                   Cafe               Europa               -               79               S               Pennsylvania               St               -               303-722-1024
                   Cake               Crumbs               Bakery               -               2216               Kearney               St               -               303               861               4912
                   CapuVino               -               728               S.

    University               -               303               282-4914
                   Cherry               Creek               North               Shopping               District               -               University               and               1st               Ave               to               Steele               and               3rd               Ave
                   Citron               Bistro               -               3535               S               Yosemite               -               303               771               5800
                   Club               Evolution               -               22nd               Street               and               Champa               Street               -               303-296-4604
                   Common               Grounds               -               3484               W               32nd               Ave               -               (303)               458-5248
                   Common               Grounds               Cyber               Cafe               -               on               the               corner               of               17th               Street               and               Wazee
                   Corepower               Yoga               -               Broadway               and               2nd
                   Dazbog               Coffeehouse               -               501               West               12th               St.

    -               (303)               893-4816
                   Dazbog               Coffeehouse               -               555               Broadway               -               (303)               893-1339
                   Denver               Public               Libraries               -               23               branches
                   Denver's               Old               Hole               Sports               Grill               -               990               S               Oneida               St               -               303               388               2883
                   Dixon's               Downtown               Grill               -               1610               16th               St               -               303-573-6100
                   Einstein's               Bagels               -               2730               S.

    Colorado               Blvd.
                   Eloise               May               Library               -               1471               S               Parker               Rd               -               303               LIBRARY
                   Fluid               Coffee               Bar               -               501               E               19th               Ave
                   Gallop               Cafe               -               2401               W.



    -               303.455.5650
                   Geez,               Louise!

    Coffee               House               -               4924               E               Colfax               Ave               -               303-322-3833
                   Gypsy               House               -               $5               min               purchase               -               1279               Marion               St               -               303-830-1112
                   Highland               Tavern               -               3400               Navajo               St               -               303-433-1990
                   Hooked               on               Colfax               Coffee               Shop               -               3215               E               Colfax               Ave               -               (303)               398-2665
                   Il               Posto               -               2011               E               17th               St               -               303               394               0100
                   Illegal               Grounds               Coffee               -               925               E               17th               Ave               -               303               860               7166
                   Java               Creek               -               287               Columbine               Street,               Cherry               Creek               North               -               303-377-8902
                   Laughing               Bean               Cafe               -               901               W               10th               Ave               -               (303)               820-2326
                   Leela               European               Cafe               -               820               15th               St.
                   Lodo's               Bar               &               Grill               -               1946               Market               St               -               303               293               2290
                   Lollicup               Tea               Zone               -               1589               So.

    Colorado               Blvd.

    -               303-504-6022
                   Lovely               Confections               Bakery               -               1489               Steele               St,               Unit               C               -               720-524-7770
                   Lucia's               Casa               de               Cafe               -               3301               Tejon               St.

    -               303-433-4626
                   Matthew               Morris               Salon               -               277               Broadway               #D               -               303               715               4673
                   Metro               Coffee               -               277               Broadway
                   Metropolitan               Mudd               Coffeehouse               -               1516               Wazee               Street               -               303-534-5887
                   Metropolis               Coffee               -               300               West               11th               Avenue               -               (303)534-1744
                   Mo's               Cup               0'               Joe               -               with               purchase               -               8450               E               Iliff               Ave               -               303               751               6790
                   Moss               Printing               and               Packaging               -               780               Colorado               Blvd.

    -               303-321-7321
                   Neighborhood               Flix               -               2510               E               Colfax               Ave               -               303               777               FLIX
                   New               business/Unknown               name               -               728               South               University               -               (303)               282-4914
                   Northfield               Stapleton               Shopping               Center               -               8340               Northfield               Blvd               -               303               375               5464
                   Osaka               Sushi               -               3940               East               Exposition               Ave.

    -               303-698-9919
                   Panera               Bread               Company               -               240               Milwaukee               Street
                   Panera               Bread               Company               -               1330               Grant               Street
                   Panera               Bread               Compant               -               3700               Quebec               Street               -               (303)               398-5200
                   Paris               On               The               Platte               -               1553               Platte               Street
                   Peaberry               Coffee               locations
                   3453               W.

    32nd               Avenue               -               720-214-1839
                   3031               E.

    2nd               Ave               -               303-322-4111
                   621               17th               St.

    (at               California)               -               303-292-5792
                   1685               S.

    Colorado               Blvd               -               303-756-4111
                   5771               N.

    Washington               St               -               303-296-2837
                   Peet's               Cherry               Creek               -               2500               E.

    Second               Avenue               -               (303)               991-2870
                   Penn               Streek               Perk               -               1300               Pennsylvania               St,               #               101               -               (303)               860-0400
                   Perk               Hill               Coffee               House               -               2202               N.

    Kearney               -               303-377-JAVA

    Luke's               Medical               Center               -               1719               E               19th               Ave               -               303-839-6000
                   Reivers               Rest.

    -               1085               S               Gaylord               St               -               303               733               8856
                   Rendezvous               Bagel               &               Cafe               -               5709               E               Colfax               Ave               -               303               333               1116
                   Rockbar               -               3015               E               Colfax               -               303-322-4444
                   Seven               Cups               Teahouse               -               1882               S               Pearl               St               -               303               777               2877
                   Shooting               Star               Cafe               -               2637               W.

    26th               Ave.
                   SML               Coffeehouse               -               702               E               Speer               Blvd
                   Spot               Bar               &               Grill               -               98               S               Pennsylvania               St               -               303-331-1299
                   Sputnik               -               7               S               Broadway               -               720-570-4500
                   Steaming               Bean               Coffee               -               Pena'               Blvd               at               48th               @               Tower               Rd.
                   T-Wa               Inn               -               555               S               Federa               Blvd               -               303               922               2378
                   Taza               de               Cafe               -               3565               W               44th               Ave               -               303-477-0097
                   Tenn               Street               Coffee               &               Books               -               4418               Tennyson               St               -               303               455               0279
                   Thai               Wraps               @               Tuk               Tuk               -               605               Grant               St               -               303-988-5885
                   The               Bohemian               Bean               -               501               E.

    19th               Ave.

    -               720.519.4681
                   The               Buzz               Cafe               -               6th               and               Marion
                   The               WashPark               Coffee               Company               -               712               1/2               South               Pearl               Street
                   There               Coffee               Bar               &               Lounge               -               1526               E               Colfax               Ave.

    -               303-830-8437
                   Thomas               Bros.

    Coffee               &               Chai               -               7505               E               35th               Ave,               Unit               395               @               Quebec               Square               -               303-399-7334
                   The               Wall               Street               Deli               -               inside               Univ.

    of               Colorado               Hospital,               4311               E.

    9th               Ave.

    -               303.394.0264
                   Under               the               Umbrella               -               3504               E               12th               Ave               -               303-256-0797
                   Village               Inn               -               all               Denver               area               locations
                   Wash               Park               Perk               and               Pub               -               853               E.

    Ohio               Ave               -               720               542               9202
                   Washington               Park               Grill               -               S               Gaylord               St
                   Whole               Foods               Markets               -               7400               E               Hampden               Ave               -               (303)               488-2000
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Durango
                   Durango               Coffee               Company               -               730               Main               Ave.
                   Steaming               Bean               Coffee               -               915               Main               Ave               =               970               385               7901
                   Pure               Soul               Coffee               -               40               Town               Plaza               #B               -               970-759-1644
                   Lady               Falconbergs-               660               Main               Ave
                   Steamworks               Brewing               -               801               E.

    2nd               Ave.
                   Carver's               Rest.

    -               1022               Main               Ave               -               970               259               2545
                   Raider               Ridge               Cafe               -               509               E               8th               Ave,               #4               -               970               375               9727
                   King               Center               Laundry               -               1127               Camino               Del               Rio
                   College               Plaza               Laundromat               -               509               E               8th               Ave               -               970               247               8255
                   Durango               Joe's               Coffee               House               -               732               E.

    College               Drive
                   Home               Slice               Pizza               -               441               E.

    College               Drive
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Englewood
                   Englewood               Public               Library               -               1000               Englewood               Pkwy               -               303-762-2550
                   Caribou               Coffee               -               5198               S               Broadway               -               303               761               9078
                   Acoustic               Music               Revival               -               3445               S               Broadway               -               303               744               1737
                   Swedish               Medical               Center               -               501               East               Hampden               Avenue
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Estes               Park
                   Kind               Coffee               -               free               w/purchase               -               470               E               Elkhorn               Ave
                   Notch               Top               Cafe               -               457               E               Wonderview               -               970-586-0272
                   Estes               Park               Public               Library               -               adjacent               to               the               Municipal               Building               on               Elkhorn               Avenue
                   epFree               -               look               for               the               free               locations
                   Estes               Park               Computers               -               457               E               Wonderview               Ave,               C2               -               970               586               5404
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Evergreen
                   Evergreen               Library               -               5000               Hwy.

    73               (at               Buffalo               Park               Rd.)               -               303               674               0780
                   Java               Groove               -               28186               Hwy               74               -               303-674-4494
                   Hearthfire               Books               -               2982               Evergreen               Pkwy               -               303-670-4549
                   CJ's               Chicago               Dogs               -               Free               w/purchase               -               27985               Hwy               74               -               (303)               674-9292
                   Le               Peep               Restaurant               -               1260               Bergen               Parkway               -               (303)               674-6224
                   Evergreen               Mountain               Market               Cyber               Cafe               -               5071               Highway               73               -               (303)               670-0452
                   Camp               Grounds               Coffee               &               Sweet               Provisions               -               1254               Bergen               Pkwy               -               303-883-5951
                   The               Bagelry               -               1242               Begen               Pkwy               -               303-674-1413
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Fort               Collins
                   Alley               Cat               Coffee               Shop               -               120               1/2               W.

                   Avogadro's               Number               -               605               S.

    Mason               -               970.493.5555
                   Buffalo               Wild               Wings               Grill               &               Bar               -               150               E               Harmony               Rd               -               970-266-9464

    &               Potts               -               1415               W               Elizabeth               -               970               221               1139
                   Cafe               Columbine               -               802               W               Drake               Rd,               #101               -               970-494-6445
                   Catalyst               Coffee               -               3501               S               Shields               -               (970)               223-9035
                   Daz               Bog               Coffee               -               4532               McMurray               -               970-206-1515
                   Deja               Vu               Coffee               Shop               &               Cafe               -               free               w/purchase               -               646               &               1/2               South               College               Avenue
                   Drop               Depot               -               115               East               Harmony               Road               -               970.581.0013
                   Ever               Open               Cafe               -               1422               N               College               Av
                   Everyday               Joe's               Coffee               House               -               144               S.

    Mason               -               (970)               224-4138
                   Island               Grill               -               2601               S               Lemay               -               970               266               0124
                   La               Dolce               Vita               -               2555               S               Shields               St,               #B               -               970-472-1195
                   Moxie               Java               -               2815               E               Harmony               Rd               -               (970)               266-8080
                   Mugs               Coffee               Lounge               -               1033               Taft               Hill               Rd               and               261               S.

    College               Ave
                   Ohana               Drive               Thru               Coffee               &               T               -               125               Carpenter               Rd               -               970               388               6198
                   Old               Town               Square               area
                   Panera               Bread               -               3700               S               College               Ave               -               970               204               4500
                   Pappy's               Corner               Pub               -               1027               W               Horsetooth               Rd               -               970-377-1232
                   Perkins               Family               Restaurant               -               310               South               College               -               970-484-5881
                   Poudre               River               Public               Library               District               -               3               locations
                   Schlotzky's               Deli               -               4212               S               College               Ave,               #101               -               970-226-1711
                   Sportscasters               Bar               &               Grill               -               165               E.

    Boardwalk               Dr.

    -               970-223-3553
                   Starry               Night               Espresso               Cafe               -               112               S               College               Ave               -               (970)               493-3039
                   TechnoJava               -               3500               S               College               Ave               -               970-226               1621
                   The               Bean               Cycle               -               144               N               College               Ave               -               (970)               221-2964
                   Timberline               Cafe               -               Timberline               Church               -               2908               S               Timberline               Road
                   Washouse               -               1119               W               Drake               Rd               -               970               267               WASH
                   Wired               Bean               Coffee               House               -               1240               W               Elizabeth               St               -               (970)               493-5200
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Golden
                   Higher               Grounds               Cafe               -               803               14th               Street               -               303-271-0998
                   Barlows               -               470               Gladiola               St.
                   Golden               Library               -               1019               Tenth               St.

    -               (303)               279-4585
                   Buffalo               Moon               Coffee               and               Mercantile               -               Genesee               Town               Center,               I-70               at               exit               254               -               303-526-7675
                   Blue               Canyon               Bar               &               Grill               -               1301               Washington               Ave.

    Suite               120               -               303-271-0730
                   NOA               NOA               Espresso               &               NOA               NOA               Espresso               &               News               -               109               Ruby               Dr               -               303               277               0303
                   Armory               Building               -               1301               Arapahoe               Street
                   Golden               Ridge               Surgery               Center               -               660               Golden               Ridge               Rd
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Grand               Junction
                   Main               St.

    Bagels               -               Sixth               &               Main
                   Coffee               Mugger's               Coffeehouse               -               620               Main               Street               -               970.255.0700
                   Colorado               Java               House               -               5th               and               Colorado
                   Traders               Coffee               &               Tea               -               666               Patterson               Rd,               Ste               J               -               970-243-6590
                   Java               Junction               -               2401               North               Ave,               #12               -               970               241               5150
                   Cold               Stone               Creamery               -               2474               Hwy               6               &               50               -               970-257-0100
                   Wash               N               Clean               World               -               1916               N               12th               St               -               970               243               4420
                   Mesa               County               Library               -               530               Grand               Ave               -               970-243-4443
                   Fellowship               Church               Cool               Beans               Bookstore               &               Coffeehouse               -               hours               vary,               call               ahead               -               970               245               7729
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Greeley
                   Corleone's               Italian               Underground               -               822               9th               Street
                   Perkins               Restaurant               -               2297               Greeley               Mall               -               970-352-9251
                   Egg               &               I               -               3830               W               10th               St,               #C1
                   Farr               Library               -               1939               61st               Ave
                   Centennial               Park               Library               -               2227               23rd               Ave
                   Lincoln               Park               Library               -               919               7th               Street,               Suite               A
                   Village               Inn               -               2729               8th               Ave
                   Buffalo               Wild               Wings               Grill               &               Bar               -               4711               W               29th               St               -               970               330               9988
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Highlands               Ranch
                   Panera               Bread               Company               -               9579               University               Boulevard               -               (720)               348-1112
                   Tattered               Cove               Book               Store               -               9315               Dorchester               Street               -               303-470-7050
                   Highlands               Ranch               Library               -               9292               Ridgeline               Blvd.
                   Whole               Foods               -               9366               S               Colorado               Blvd               -               303               470               6003
                   Enchanted               Grounds               -               8800               S               Colorado               Blvd,               #A               -               303               470               1010
                   Corner               Bakery               -               1601               Mayberry               Dr               -               303               471               6400
                   Lil'               Ricci's               NY               Pizzeria               -               44               W               Centennial               -               303               471               0070
                   Dewey's               American               Grill               -               52               W               Springer               Dr               -               720               348               0101
                   Schlotzsky's               Deli               -               537               W               Highlands               Ranch               Pkwy,               Ste               108               -               303               346               6500
                   Boston's               Pizza               -               53               W               Centennial               Blvd               -               720               344               1531
                   Recreation               Center               at               Eastridge               -               9568               South               University               Blvd.

    -               (303)               791-2500
                   Recreation               Center               at               Northridge               -               8801               South               Broadway               -               (303)               791-2500
                   Recreation               Center               at               Southridge               -               4800               McArthur               Ranch               Road               -               (303)               791-2500
                   Recreation               Center               at               Westridge               -               9650               South               Foothills               Canyon               Boulevard               -               (303)               791-2500
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Lakewood
                   Moosehill               Cantina               -               955               South               Kipling               Ave
                   Village               Roaster               -               Main               Store               -               9255               West               Alameda               -               303-238-8718
                   Village               Roaster               at               Lakewood               Commons               -               7978               W.

    Alameda               Ave.

    Unit               E               -               303-445-9325
                   Atlanta               Bread               Co.

    -               7740               West               Alameda               Avenue               Unit               E               -               303-991-4400
                   The               Press               Coffee               Company               at               Belmar               -               7150               W.

    Alaska               Drive               -               303-922-0911
                   Peaberry               Coffee               -               Colorado               Mills               -               14255               W.

    Colfax               Dr.

    Unit               B               -               303-278-3707
                   Chad's               Union               Street               Cafe               -               275               Union               Blvd               -               303-988-5666
                   Baker               Street               Pub               &               Grill               -               7260               West               Alaska               Drive               -               (303)953-5510
                   Whole               Foods               Market               -               444               S.

    Wadsworth               Blvd.

    -               303-935-3500
                   Yard               House               Rest.

    -               14500               West               Colfax               Ave.

    Suite               341               -               (303)               278-YARD
                   Belmar               Library               -               555               S.

    Allison               Pkwy.

    -               (720)               963-0900
                   Lakewood               Library               -               10200               W.

    20th               Ave.

    -               (303)               232-9507
                   McDonald's               -               800               Wadsworth               Blvd               -               303-237-8301
                   Volkswagen               of               Lakewood               -               8303               West               Colfax               Avenue               -               (888)               236-8929
                   Stevinson               Lexus               of               Lakewood               -               801               Indiana               St               -               303-277-9339
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Littleton
                   Panera               Bread               -               7301               South               Santa               Fe               Drive               -               (303)               795-2121
                   Panera               Bread               -               8501               West               Bowles               Avenue               -               (303)               978-0200
                   Earls               Restaurant               -               8335               Park               Meadows               Center               Dr.

    -               (303)               792-3275
                   Columbine               Library               -               7706               W.

    Bowles               Ave.

    -               (303)               932-2690
                   Bemis               Public               Library               -               6014               S               Datura               St               -               303               795               3961
                   Lagarto               European               Cafe               -               10146               W.

    San               Juan               Way               Suite               110               -               303-973-6169
                   Peaberry               Coffee               -               7901               S.

    Broadway               -               303-738-5721
                   Solid               Grounds               Coffee               House               -               6504               S               Broadway               -               303               209               7494
                   Blueberry's               Bakery               &               Cafe               -               1500               W               Littleton               Blvd               -               303               798               7117
                   My               Favorite               Muffin               -               5950               S               Platte               Canyon               Rd
                   Mirage               Sports               Bar               -               8340               West               Coal               Mine               Ave               -               303-973-5170
                   Fox               &               Hound               Denver               (Littleton               SW)               -               8996               W               Bowles               Ave               -               720.922.0400
                   Fox               &               Hound               Denver               (Littleton               East)               -               5150               E               Arapahoe               Road               -               720.493.0111
                   G               I               Jodi's               Bar               &               Grill               -               11550               W               Meadows               Dr               -               303               972               8658
                   Q's               Pub               &               Grille               -               10133               W               Charfield               Ave               -               303               973               2905
                   Del               Taco               -               5240               S               Wadsworth               Blvd               -               303-972-3700
                   King               Soopers               -               8126               S               Wadsworth               Blvd               -               720               981               4391
                   Grime               Busters               Coin               Op               Laundry               -               code               posted               on               wall               -               9083               W               Peakview               Dr               -               303               489               0534
                   EconoLube               -               9975               West               Bowles               Ave               -               303-972-7108
                   Apple               Store               -               Aspen               Grove
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Longmont
                   Dazbog               Coffee               -               1640               Pace               St.

    Unit               400               -               (303)               772-8765
                   Deja               Brew               -               600               S.

    Airport               Road               -               303-485-6778
                   August               Morning               Coffee               House               -               475               Main               -               (720)               652-0966
                   Cafe               Luna               -               800               Coffman               St               -               (303)               702-9996
                   Brewing               Market               Coffee               -               1520               S.

    Hover               Rd.

    -               303.651.7716
                   Gizzi's               -               4th               &               Main               St.

    -               303.682.5120
                   Bear               Rock               Cafe               -               1067               S.

    Hover               Rd.

    -               303.776.8120
                   Peaberry               Coffee               -               off               of               Hover               Road
                   Einstein               Bros.

    Bagels               -               2311               Clover               Basin               Drive               -               (303)               651-9063
                   The               Daily               Bean               -               1515               Main               St.
                   The               Human               Bean               -               1844               Hover               St               -               303               827               3054
                   Colorado               Cupboard               -               2001               N               Main               Street               -               (303)               485-0605
                   Panera               Bread               -               425               Ken               Pratt               Boulevard               -               (303)               702-1000
                   Perkins               Restaurant               -               2051               North               Main               -               303-772-1410
                   Todd's               Guitars               Etc.

    -               460               A               Main               St               -               303-776-8388
                   StickerGiant.com               Corporate               Offices               -               picnic               area               -               11755               N.

    75th               street
                   Mile-Hi               Skydiving               Center               -               229               Airport               Road,               Hangar               34G               -               (303)702-9911
                   Rocky               Mountain               Christian               Church               -               9447               Niwot               Rd
                   Prestige               Chrysler               Dodge               -               200               Alpine               St               -               303               651               3000
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Loveland
                   Circle               Moon               Coffee               House               -               843               North               Cleveland               Avenue               -               (970)               663-2774
                   Loveland               Coffee               Company               -               620               E               29th               St               -               970-278-1221
                   Daz               Bog               Coffee               -               1427               N.

    Denver               -               970-622-0031
                   The               Coffee               Tree:               Where               Good               Things               Grow               -               422               E               4th               St
                   Daddy               O's               Green               Onion               -               2279               W.

    Eisenhower               -               970-635-0001
                   City               News               and               Coffee               House               -               601               Cleveland               Ave
                   Paciugo               Italian               Gelato               -               The               Promenade               Shops               at               Centerra,               5971               Sky               Pond               Drive               Ste               C124               -               970-663-2323
                   Perkins               Family               Restaurant               -               2222               West               Eisenhower               Blvd.

    -               970-663-1944
                   Johnson's               Corner               -               2842               SE               Frontage               Rd.,               I-25               exit               254               -               (970)               667-2069
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Parker
                   Steaming               Bean               Coffee               House               -               19190               E.

    Main               St.

    -               303-840-5688
                   Parker               Library               -               10851               So.

    Crossroads               Dr
                   20               Mile               Coffee               House               -               19559               E               Main               St               -               303               840               3166
                   Kunjani               Coffea               -               10009               Jotdan               Rd               -               720               249               5594
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Silverthorne
                   The               cafe               in               the               Red               Village               Outlet               Stores
                   Steaming               Bean               -               286               Summit               Place               -               970-468-0464
                   Village               Inn               -               531               Silverthorne               Lane               -               970               468               1331
                   LaQuinta               Inns               -               560               Silverthorne               Lane               -               (970)468-6200
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Steamboat               Springs
                   Off               the               Beaten               Path               Bookstore               -               56               7th               St               -               800.898.6830
                   Mocha               Molly's               -               635               Lincoln               Ave
                   Amante               Coffee               -               Hwy               40               and               Mt.

    Werner               Rd.,               in               Wildhorse               Plaza               -               970-871-8999
                   Colorado               Mountain               College               Alpine               Campus               Library               -               1330               Bob               Adams               Dr.

    -               970-870-4445
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Telluride
                   Baked               in               Telluride               -               127               South               Fir               Street               -               970-728-4705
                   Between               the               Covers               Cafe/Bookstore               -               Main               St.

    -               970-728-4504
                   ReStore               Our               World               Cafe               -               donations               accepted               -               129               W.

    Colorado               -               970-728-3553
                   Wilkinson               Public               Library               -               100               W               Pacific               Ave
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Westminster
                   Peaberry               Coffee               -               10138               N.

    Wadsworth               Pkwy               -               720-887-9035
                   Caribou               Coffee               -               one               hour               free,               $1.50               purchase               required               for               more               -               2721               W               120th               Ave               -               303-410-1305
                   Jumpin'               Juice               &               Java               -               10710               Westminster               Blvd.,               Suite               120               -               303-464-1888
                   Fox               &               Hound               Denver               (Westminster)               -               4750               W               120th               Ave               Suite               900               -               303.464.7366
                   The               Exchange               Tavern               -               11940               Bradburn               Blvd.,               #300               -               303-469-0404
                   The               Wave               Car               Care               Center               -               9195               Wadsworth               Pkwy.

    -               303-431-4900
                   Free               Wi-Fi               in               Wheat               Ridge
                   Wheat               Ridge               Library               -               5475               W.

    32nd               Ave.

    -               (303)               463-3145
                   Panini               Joe               -               3502               Wadsworth               Blvd               -               720-898-9629
                   Smokin               Joe's               Bar               &               Grill               -               4700               Kipling               -               303               428               4597
                   Lewis               Fine               Candies               -               6140               W               38th               Ave               -               303               421               0726
                   "Free               Wi-Fi               Colorado               Denver               Colorado               Springs               Boulder."               WiFiFreeSpot.
                   "Free               Wi-Fi               -               Mile               High               on               the               Cheap."               Mile               High               on               the               Cheap.

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    st thomas university bookstore

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    st thomas university bookstore

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    st thomas university bookstore

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